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Work With Christine

This page explains all the different ways that you can work with me and will answer many of your questions. Please review the FAQs for everything from 'who calls whom?' to 'can you find my dog/cat?'




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Image by Aleza van der Werff


My readings are a support tool that give you insight and guidance into what you are working on and how it's showing up in your life, plus we do energy healing work within the space to help you.

Whether you want a check-in, or you are dealing with something or someone, or maybe your life feels like a hot mess, a reading can help you feel more grounded, more certain, more confident, and more in control.




Animal Readings

Our greatest friends, our deepest bonds, - animals are our everything.

Plus, they are here to support us, guide us, and, most importantly, help us learn our deeper lessons.

There is nothing simple or basic about these powerful relationships.

Whether you want to know more about your animal friend, need help with health or behavioral issues, or are in the process of or have transitioned, connecting with them through this reading space is a supportive, empowering, eye-opening experience (and healing for both you and them). 





Whether you are trying to get pregnant, pregnant, or are postpartum, these are powerful life-changing times.

I help women navigate the emotions, the fears, the excitement, the overwhelm, the confusion, and whatever else is coming. 

Plus, our children experience our vibration, and it impacts them as much as it impacts us. 

Readings support you and them in a deep and profound way.

Transformational Coaching

If you are interested in working with to support your growth, your excellence, and/or your deeper healing, you can set up a time to have a chat.

Please use the Chatbox or email me at with your interest.

If you haven't worked with me before, the best place to start is with a one-to-one session to make sure we click.


Transform Your Life

My Transform Your Life program is designed to help you take a deep dive into your Conscious and Spiritual Growth. This work is deeply transformational as you commit to your healing and growth work for a minimum of 6 months.

If you are interested in working with me at this level, please click hereand we'll find a time for an initial conversation about where you are and what you are looking for (also, not knowing what you are looking for it perfectly fine :-) )


Transform Your Life:

Your Numerology holds clues to what you came here to work on this lifetime and how it will show up throughout your life.

But just knowing the information isn't enough. In Transform Your Life: Numerology, we use your numbers as a starting point to focus your deeper learning and healing. 

This is a 12-consecutive-week program. We meet for 45 minutes weekly to explore one of the 10 key numerology numbers. 

If you would like more information, please click here.



Inspire is for leaders.

When you are at the top of your game, who is supporting you? 

As one client said, 'Christine, you're my secret weapon.'

I help visionaries and leaders in all fields stay grounded and aligned, and give you insight and tools that help you to stay balanced and excel even more.

If you are interested in working with me at this level, please click here, fill out the form, and we'll find a time to talk.

Image by Wout Vanacker

Birthday Blast!

Your birthday is the perfect time to do a check-in.


Here's some of what we can do in this space: Reflect on the year that is passing, anchor in the healing and growth you've had, and clear out anything that you let go of and no longer serves - assimilating it into your physical experience...

Image by Andrew Small

Core Life Lesson Session

So you know your

Core Life Lesson, now what?

The perfect next step is to step into a one-to-one with Christine to gain supportive information about how and in what way this lesson impacts you PLUS explore and work with some Intrinsic Energy Work® tools to take your Core Life Lesson from an unconscious dynamic to a conscious process you are actively working...

Image by Quino Al

4 Pack Accelerator

Do you have something specific you want to focus on? Or maybe you just need some support through a certain period?


My 4-Pack Accelerator is perfect for this. When you step into a 4-Pack, sessions are to be used within 6 weeks. The difference between a single session and a 4-Pack Accelerator is this - in a single session, I hold space for your healing and growth...

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