Gratitude: Intrinsic Energy Workâ„¢ for November 2021
November our focus is on Gratitude.
In my Intrinsic Energy Workâ„¢, we use the energies of the moment to accelerate our growth, deepen our healing, and step into the full expression of who we are. It is this deeper learning and healing that facilitates our conscious and Spiritual growth.
Diving into the energies of the moment isn’t necessary to do your work, but they help you focus your efforts, and when you tap into what is present, it makes your work easier and more consistent.
So not necessary, but deeper.
November’s Intrinsic Energies™
This month we will be focusing on these Intrinsic Energiesâ„¢ associate with September
Monthly Theme: Gratitude
Universal 7
Scorpio Intrinsic Energyâ„¢
This month’s Moon Work
Goddess Kali
11:11 Portal

Knowledge is Power. Action is Empowerment
I always say ‘Knowledge is power. Action is empowerment.’ and here’s what I mean by that.
If you read your horoscope, it gives you information but it doesn’t help you with your learning, healing, and growing. It gives you insight. It *may* give you direction, but that’s about where that knowledge takes you.
Intrinsic Energy Workâ„¢ gives you tools that help you take that knowledge and use it to further your healing which in turn helps you deepen your growth.
How to Use the Intrinsic Energiesâ„¢ of November 2021
Let’s see how you can use the Intrinsic Energies™ of November to accelerate your growth & deepen your healing!

This month explore the Intrinsic Energiesâ„¢ of Gratitude!
Gratitude is an Intrinsic Energy™. It isn’t something we need to develop or access. And although you can practice it, it is more powerful to tap into the gratitude you have experienced and, identify what energies those moments of gratitude are comprised of, and then let those energies move through. This process heightens your experience and connection to gratitude in your life.
Intrinsic Energy Workâ„¢
Sit in your Intrinsic Energy Workâ„¢ space.
Call up a moment when you felt gratitude.
Connect with the feelings that arise when you remember that moment.
Let that feeling radiate through your body.
Open your eyes and stretch.

Universal 7
November = 11 + 2021 = 11 + 2+2+1 =11+2+2+1 = 15 = 7
Universal 7 invites you to go deep into the mystical and philosophical aspects of life. This is a great month to explore a challenge that you have at a much deeper level. If you want to explore something try this:
Pick what you want to gain a deeper understanding of
Create a journal heading or use a special journal just for this exploration.
Spend time exploring the following:
Where did this challenge come from?
When did it start?
What sparked it?
What is the wound that sits underneath it?
What do you need to heal that wound?

Growing Through the Intrinsic Energies of Scorpio
Each sign offers you energies that can help you grow and that can help you heal.
Tap into and grow with Scorpio’s Intrinsic Energies:
Intrinsic Energy Workâ„¢
Sit in your Intrinsic Energyâ„¢ reflection space
Bring yourself into energetic alignment using that core beam of light (if you are sitting in your IE space you should already be here.)
Let’s look for the IE that makes up Bravery. (It could be certainty, or groundness, or personal power, or Truth for example.) Each moment of Bravery can have different underlying IE as well.
Once you identify them, tap into each energy and let yourself become those energies.
Notice what you feel like with each energy. How do they create different aspects of Bravery?
Any time you need or want to feel brave, call up the energy that reflects your need the best.
Open your eyes and stretch.
If you want to develop or enhance your intuition try this:
Intrinsic Energy Workâ„¢
Sit in your Intrinsic Energy Workâ„¢ space.
Start by expressing your desire to activate/own/enhance your intuition.
Let the ripple of the expression move through you.
Notice what you feel in your solar plexus area or behind your belly button.
Let that feeling move through you.
Open your eyes and stretch.
Repeat this process every day this month.
Healing Through The Intrinsic Energyâ„¢ of Scorpio
Each sign has an evolved and an unevolved aspect. It is in the unevolved aspects that we can focus our own healing and growth, and use the Intrinsic Energiesâ„¢ to deepen our process.
Unevolved Scorpio has a jealous streak to rival no other. Jealousy is a form of lack and limit. It identifies what someone else has and steps into lack, limit, and resentment.
Intrinsic Energy Workâ„¢
Sit in your Intrinsic Energyâ„¢ reflection space.
Call up moments when you have experienced Jealousy.
Release the lack, limit, and resentment energies that come up.
Notice where you feel them in your body as well – there is good information there:
the heart – practice loving yourself
the throat – practice owning your truth
the solar plexus – practice stepping into your power
the abdomen – explore your creativity
the tailbone – practice grounding.
Fill in with an energy of your choice.
Open your eyes and stretch.
Sometimes suspicion and untrusting are called for, but sometimes it is not. How do you know when it is? Your intuition and your knowingness will help guide you.
Try this:
Intrinsic Energy Workâ„¢
Sit in your Intrinsic Energyâ„¢ space.
Identify where your suspicion or untrusting energy is sitting.
Once you locate them ask yourself what is underneath them?
For example: Is it fear and if it’s fear what is underneath the fear.
Keep breaking down what you are noticing until you get to a place of clarity on whether your feelings are warranted or not.
Use an energetic magnet to clear out and release any suspicious and untrusting feelings if they aren’t warranted.
Open your eyes and stretch.

Intrinsic Energiesâ„¢ of the Goddess Kali
Goddess of love and protection. She embodies a fierce motherly energy.
The Goddess Kali is a fierce protector. She also connects you with your power, your strength, and your emotions.
Work with Kali
Sit in your Intrinsic Energy Workâ„¢ Space
Envision the Goddess Kali in front of you. Whether you see her, feel her, or have a sense of her, they each are valid.
Get a sense of her energy.
What does it feel like?
What do you feel like in her presence?
Ask Kali to:
Provide protection in whatever way you need or want it. (watch the fear though)
Connect you with your power.
Connect you with your strength – what is your strength, where does it live?
Help you find balance and healing with your emotions.

Moon Work
Dark Moon Phase 1 Libra
November 2, 2021
Reflect & Review
Step into your Intrinsic Energy Workâ„¢ space.
Reflect on where you have been:
Clear out anything you want to release.
Use your Intrinsic Energy Work™ Tools – either the magnet or the energetic vacuum
Clear out any awareness, pictures, energy that came up.
Fill in with an energy of your choice.
Celebrate where you have
Been in balance
Witnessed beauty
Review your New Moon Manifestation list.
Review your list
Celebrate what came in!
Cross off what you don’t want or need anymore
Dark Moon Phase 2 Scorpio
November 3, 2021
Clean up both energetic & actual debts as well as patterns.
Step into your Intrinsic Energy Workâ„¢ space.
Reflect on the question and how you may carry this as a debt to others or to yourself – then release the energy around it using your Intrinsic Energy Work™ tools (magnet/vacuum)
Where have you been jealous and it has created debts?
Where have you been untrusting and it has caused debts?
Where have you been manipulative and it has caused debts?
Release any debt Intrinsic Energyâ„¢ and awarenesses that rose to the surface.
Fill in with an energy of your choice.
Also, clean up actual debts – return things borrowed, pay back what is owed, apologize if need be.
The second Dark Moon phase is the perfect time to step out of the Intrinsic Energyâ„¢ patterns that keep you locked in old behaviors.
Step into your Intrinsic Energy Workâ„¢ space.
Reflect on the question and how or where they are patterns in your life– then while in your Intrinsic Energy Work space, see yourself step out of each pattern and release the awarenesses that came up using your Intrinsic Energy Work™ tools (magnet/vacuum)
Where and how do you step into suspicion?
Where and how do you step into manipulation? Why, when? What’s at the root of it?
Clean Up
Step into your Intrinsic Energy Workâ„¢ space
Put a picture of you (amorphic shape will do) standing in the energetic pattern or imagine it.
See or intend that you step out of the energetic pattern.
Reset your space with what you want in place of the pattern.
Release the Intrinsic Energiesâ„¢ and awarenesses that rose to the surface.
Fill in with an energy of your choice.
Dark Moon Phase 3 Scorpio
November 4, 2021
The third phase of the Dark Moon offers a space to cultivate and prepare for planting your intentions during the New Moon.
In manifestation work, we use a piece of rich soil to plant the seeds of what you want to create.
To cultivate & prepare do this:
Step into your Intrinsic Energy Workâ„¢ space
Put your manifestation garden out in front of you.
Infuse the soil with magic, intuition, deep connection to the unseen.
Hand it to your Spirit so that you can call it back tomorrow.
New Moon Sagittarius
November 5, 2021
Sagittarius brings energies of directness and generosity.. As you identify what you want to set out on your manifestation list for this month, be sure to include some/any of the following
Directness in navigating a situation
A generous heart.
New Moons are for setting out your desires, what you want to create for yourself and in your life. If you didn’t review your list from last month during phase 1 of the Dark Moon, review it now. Cross off anything that you don’t want anymore. Celebrate whatever came in.
Rewrite your list and add those things that align with the Scorpio New Moon Intrinsic Energiesâ„¢ (what you identified above.)
After you have written your New Moon manifestation list do this:
Step into your Intrinsic Energy Workâ„¢ space
Call back the piece of soil you prepared during yesterday’s Dark Moon phase.
See yourself creating, experiencing, having, those things you want to create.
feel what it feels like. Feel the joy, the satisfaction, the relief, the sense of accomplishment, the freedom, etc.
Turn everything you want to create into a seed.
Plant each seed into the soil, carrying with you the feelings you connected with.
Hand it to your Spirit so that you can manifest it.
Full Moon Taurus November 19, 2021
Reflect & Heal Reflect on where you have been
Intrinsic Energy Workâ„¢
Step into your Intrinsic Energy Workâ„¢ space
Use your Intrinsic Energy Workâ„¢ tools (magnet/vacuum) to clear anything you want to release.
Fill in with an energy of your choice.
Forgiveness In Intrinsic Energyâ„¢ Forgiveness work, whether you are trying to forgive someone else or yourself, the key to forgiveness rests in healing the Intrinsic wounds inflicted. Forgiveness has nothing to do with letting someone off the hook. There is no hook. What keeps you engaged is the Intrinsic Wound.
Step into your Intrinsic Energy Workâ„¢ space
Reflect on this:
Where or how has someone’s/or your stubborness caused an intrinsic wound within you?
Where or how has someone’s/or your materialism caused an intrinsic wound within you?
Where or how has someone’s/or your rigidness caused an intrinsic wound within you?
Use your Intrinsic Energy Workâ„¢ tools (magnet/vacuum) to clear anything you want to release.
Fill in with an energy of your choice.
Step into your Intrinsic Energy Workâ„¢ space
Reflect on this:
Where or how do you have gratitude for love in your life?
Where or how do you have gratitude for honesty in your life?
Where or how do you have gratitude for luxury in your life?
Each expression of gratitude feels different.
Let yourself feel the gratitude of each and let it radiate through your being.
11:11 Portal
11:11 opens the door to new growth, deeper wisdom, and the activation of your ability to create and manifest your desires.
Step into your Intrinsic Energy Workâ„¢ space
Ground, align and then ask for downloads of insight and guidance that will support your growth and deepen your wisdom.
If you are looking for specific guidance or insight, ask for it to download directly
Sit in your space for at least an hour and just let energy move and shift. Don’t try to control your mind or your experience.
Keep a journal handy and quickly write down and insight that comes in and then go back into your internal space and keep gathering what comes in.
When you are finished, fill in with an energy of your choice and then
Open your eyes and stretch.
Throughout the day stay open to more downloads. Keep that journal handy,